Learn About the Platte County Detention Center Expansion

Platte County voters will consider two measures on the August 6, 2024, ballot to raise funds for construction of an expanded inmate detention center. The expansion includes more areas to segregate violent and sexual offenders, and to provide expanded health care services. Since 1990, Platte County’s population has grown by nearly 80 percent, and as a result the detention center is overcrowded and in need of restoration.

Treatment courts and diversion programs have decreased the incarceration of nonviolent offenders. However, the current detention center was designed for approximately 151 beds, but frequently houses up to 200 detainees. The planned expansion meets future needs with 320 additional beds and expands medical and mental health services.

County Questions fund construction of the expansion, and to pay for operations and
maintenance through 2044. For more information about Questions 1 and 2 and to read ballot language, visit https://www.co.platte.mo.us/Jail.